Writing a job function

First rule: keep it simple

That is, for basic usage, you don’t have to do anything “fancy”.

Just create a Python function, drop it inside a module somewhere in the path of the interpreter running jobcontrol, list it in the configuration file and that’s it.

An example project can be found here: https://github.com/rshk/ckan_crawl_demo


Although not strictly necessary, it is a good practice to create a setup.py in order to make your project properly installable, then install it in your virtualenv using pip install ... or python setup.py install.

Logging messages

Just use the standard Python logging facilities:

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.info('Hello, world')
logger.warning('Aw, snap!')

Reporting progress

Unluckily Python doesn’t provide any facility to “report progress”, so we had to implement our own. But no fear, as it gets as simple as:

from jobcontrol.globals import current_app
current_app.report_progress(None, 20, 100)  # 20%

Ok, let me explain the arguments a bit more in detail:

  • The first one, group_name, is used for building “trees” of progress reports. It can be either None, indicating the top level, or a tuple of name “parts”, used to build the tree.

    For example, let’s suppose we need to perform two different “kinds” of steps in our function: first we want to download a bunch of web pages, then we want to extract links from all of them and import to somewhere.

    The first iteration will report progress like this:

    current_app.report_progress(('Download webpages',), current, total)

    The second one:

    current_app.report_progress(('Extracting links',), current, total)

    This will create three progress bars on the UIs, pretty much like this:

    [0/20] Total
      |-- [0/10] Downloading webpages
      '-- [0/10] Extracting links

    Multiple name parts can be used like this:

    current_ap.report_progress(('http://example.com/foo.zip', 'downloading'), ...)
    current_ap.report_progress(('http://example.com/foo.zip', 'extracting'), ...)
    current_ap.report_progress(('http://example.com/bar.zip', 'downloading'), ...)
    current_ap.report_progress(('http://example.com/bar.zip', 'extracting'), ...)

    Will generate the following progress bars:

    [../400] Total
    |-- [../200] http://www.example.com/foo.zip
    |   |-- [../100] downloading
    |   '-- [../100] extracting
    '-- [../200] http://www.example.com/bar.zip
        |-- [../100] downloading
        '-- [../100] extracting

    (And, of course, intermediate “branches” can be overridden by specifying them manually)

  • The second and third ones, current and total must be integers indicating, respectively, the current amount of items completed and the total number of items.

  • A fourth optional argument, status_line, may be used to report a (brief) description of what’s currently going on (eg, "Downloading http://www.example.com")

Generator functions


Generator functions are not supported yet, that means, they will be executed, a generator will be obtained and stored (not sure it can be pickled, though..) but it will not be iterated, meaning the execution will have no effect whatsoever.

If you really need to run a generator function, just wrap it in something like list(myfunction()).


There are future plans of changing this, probably using generator functions to return “multiple” values that can be then used for “parametrized” builds..

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